While there is no law which states that bodywork should be EN 12642-XL rated, Lawrence David’s is.
Since 2004, Lawrence David has invested in the design and dynamic testing of both the body superstructure and the curtains to EN 12642-XL standard. It is a standard feature on all new Pillar-Less Curtainsider trailers , Pillar-Less Sliding Roof trailers and our entire range of Rigid Curtainsiders (including the bulkheads!)
In line with DOE Safety of Loads, any vehicle over 3.5t must contain and restrain the load, or, run the risk of being stopped at the roadside and issued a PG9 or Prohibition Notice if the load is not a ‘Positive Fit’ or correctly restrained. A standard curtain sided vehicle or trailer body wouldn’t usually give enough load security – the body and curtains only provide weather protection for the load – you should still secure the goods as if you were using a flatbed vehicle.
Follow this link for useful information and guidelines from the HSE: http://www.hse.gov.uk/research/rrpdf/rr662.pdf
EN 12642-XL is a build standard for trailer bodies and it sets out two main types that can be built:
- Standard Body Types (L)
- Reinforced Body Types (XL)
Vehicles and trailer bodies do not have to built to XL standard by law, but an XL body is a useful part of any load securing system and provides extra peace of mind. Our range of Curtainsider bodies and trailers are EN 12642-XL compliant as standard. In the event you’ve purchased a Lawrence David body without EN 12642-XL specification, we can uprate the body for little to no cost compared to our competitors.
It is evident EN 12642-XL and load security are high on the DVSA list of issues to combat. They will be looking for vehicles operated on the roads that are NOT clearly marked as XL rated and will stop them to check for:
1. Certification
2. EN 12642-XL Conformity
3. ‘Positive Fit’
So why run the risk of non-compliance?
Next time you’re researching a trailer manufacturer, give Lawrence David a call first. We are specialists in trailer and rigid bodywork, one of the oldest manufacturers in the country and we can advise you of the best solution to support your business, or design you a new one.
We have the experience; we have the expertise and we have the vision.
This is why we are the strength behind the haulage industry.
Contact us today.